Fish Fair
Fish Fair
The Aquarium Society of Victoria (ASofV) will be hosting our second Fish Fair for 2024. It will be held on Sunday the 27th of Octoberbetween 10:00 am & 1:00 pm
The Fish Fair is an indoor “car boot sale” with vendors selling direct from tables in the hall. All Aquarium related products from fish & plants to tanks and equipment. Low Prices: Talk directly to the breeders & growers!
Aquarium Fish, Plants, Food, Filters, Lighting, Miscellaneous etc
Vendors Cost:
ASofV members free
Non Members $40 Table
Vendors please note we will be publishing a list of items you will be selling. We ask you provide a list of fish, plants, shrimp, eqpt etc you plan on selling. This way buyers will be …… we are happy for you to send your list of items closer to the day of the Fish Fair.
Tables must be booked.
Registration will open on the 1st of September. There are only 13 tables available, and they will book out fast.
Register for a table by emailing with your name and contact info.